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Relay Tapes (AU) with mini sets by Carb on Carb & Shannengeorgiapetersen

  • The Stomach 84 Lombard Street Palmerston North, Manawatu-Wanganui, 4410 New Zealand (map)

New friends Brisbane shoegazers Relay Tapes are coming over for Camp! Here's a chance to catch them outside of that and de- or pre- brief. Yes it's a Tuesday but its early and snappy and in one of the practice rooms!

Carb on Carb will play a few songs from their new album!

Shannen will play a couple of their classics "Monkey's Shuncle" and "The Shunter"

All ages
Doorsales only
$15 waged $10 unwaged

10 February

We’re Coming Everywhere- Stomach, Palmerston North show- Special Guests Old Man Pine

22 February

Dr Sure’s Unusual Practice (AUS), Persimmon, The Fair Light Choir- CALH Sideshow